dark2light's blog

@johnheretohelp Interview with StroppyMe and SantaSurfing: Seth Rich

December 2019


John: First let me thank you both for being here [...]

I have never met Seth Rich. Never worked with him. I didn't even really know the name until 2016 but people I worked with, people I had to work with, people I don't necessarily like, were responsible for what happened, on both sides. So it was easy enough to get the information. I have very specific information about what occured, what really occurred, not a botched robbery, although that was part of the original plan. And we can go from there, sort of read into it, how I learned about it, how I became involved in the official investigation, things like that.

I learned about Seth Rich and about what happened to him from people I worked with, as I said, and this was the people I worked with in Baltimore, in the DOJ and CCIPS, this was the forerunner to CCIPS. CCIPS is the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the DOJ. It's a massive computer network, basically. This was the forerunner to the official CCIPS, it was hooked into – and still is – hooked into every intelligence network there was: the Pentagon, military intelligence, the CIA, the NSA, the Marshalls, the FBI, all of it. And it was part of a setup protocol. And they were figuring out the architecture of the access. But at this particular time as I had mentioned before we had access to everything and it was completely unregistered. It was being run by an intelligence agency with no oversight, and largely it still is today. [...] It was the entire network that the US has around the globe, and it took them about three seconds to figure out just how valuable that information was. With no recording of who accessed it, who downloaded and copied, who did searches, there was nothing. This was the database that Maxine Waters bragged about with Obama "and you should see the secret database he has", this was it. With no congressional or any oversight whatsoever.

Stroppy: ... Q has said "we have it all", and it sounds like, on CCIPS, you did have it all.

John: Yes, this was plugged into everything, by design. The core problem is, 15 or 16 years ago now the DOJ started their National Security division to advise intelligence agencies and others along with classified operations about what was legal within a country, things like that. It was just advisory. They very quickly became guiding our intelligence network because if they didn't want a program to pursue something they could talk it down, "oh, that's not a good idea", and they could direct our intelligence network. And they liked that. So the CCIPS was the next step for them. They are their own intelligence agency, right now.

Stroppy: Can I just ask you some general questions on CCIPS? When you say you had 25+ gigs of data, I take it that was a copy of some if not all of the information you could get off CCIPS?

John: Some of it was, not all of it. There was actually documents from agencies I was able to copy or download, some that was my own investigations, or other investigators, I was able to copy theirs. But the bulk of it was, not only raw intelligence, but it was the operations of manipulating court cases, people they manipulated, judges they manipulated, and it's kind of a map. It's not that you find a file for a judge and it tells you start to finish what they did to get that judge under control. Connected to that there could be 20 cases of audio or video trascripts of actual court cases that were manipulated. But I did that to show the whole pattern of what happened.

Stroppy: ... is it arranged in any way?

John: A lot of it is, some of it is chronological because I was absorbing everything by date, and my recording equipment, whatever I was using at the time, I would download immediately so I would have a time and date stamp on it. So a lot of it, especially early on was just chronological.

Stroppy: ... without giving any names, can you tell us who has this information?

John: Uh... well, a lot of people that have it. Unfortunately the FBI has a chunk of it, from 2015–2016, they were convinced that they had everything and destroyed what they'd taken. But there's backups.

Stroppy: ... is there a chance that this is going to see the light of day, that people can investigate it properly?

John: I would hope so. I doubt that every little piece of it would end up online at some point, but there's a great deal of it that should. We are trying to find an attorney, because to just hand stuff over in raw form, they would try to use that against me for charges. You know, handling of classified information, something. It involves various states now, certain states are one-party state of recording all conversations, certain states are two-party, they both have to give consent. So there's a lot of that in there.

Stroppy: Have you thought of Rudy Guiliani?

Santa: I've approached Tom Fitton..

John: We are hoping for something official, especially for what's coming out tonight, something that can provide protection, something along those lines just because there are threats. Geographically I'm not that far from some of the people involved and who I'll be talking to you about. There are theats and there are actually some renewed threats today when people were not even sure what I was talking about but had seen that I'd shared some things with her earlier, and there was a whole flurry of contact earlier today that had started last minute that they did not want me talking about what they thought I'd be talking about. So we're taking a calculated risk. [...] many people online have been very rude, I've gotten nasty comments, some death threats online, I just ignore them, but people are asking questions like put up or shut up, real simple. Hand out a sample. And these are genuine questions, and I understand them. I was actually... this Seth Rich kind of got pushed up, what we're talking about tonight, because I was actually preparing for release and I have a lot of hard drives, I took a couple pictures of them, and I can't even access them because I don't have the old equipment to do it. They won't fit in my laptop, so that slows me down a bit. But I was preparing a release of some of the samples of various things, and just to really irritate the FBI because I know they'll hear this eventually, I have civilians and undercover FBI agents planning false flags through Boston down into Maryland. I have recordings of them talking about them. And these are the same people connected to the marathon, Boston bombing group, and connected to others. So I would drop that out there just to irritate them. I actually have, because I worked with them, I would turn in recordings. And they would pat me down, search me, some of them most of the time stripped me. And I actually have recordings of us sitting at a table discussing recordings that we were listening to on my other device that they did not have.

Stroppy: Project Veritas come to mind here as well.

John: I'm in contact with them. I actually have this on video, six people climb into a big jeep. There were four civilians, these were violent white supremacists, its a case I'd worked, and a lot of them are in prison now, but the two FBI agents undercover in their group, they were getting them worked up to a higher level. They wanted them to attack judges, which is eventually what they tried. And one of them butt-dialed me from his phone, not realizing it. And I recorded it. And they're in there talking about how, all their plans, what they're doing, and you can hear the agents telling them they're going to provide this, and they were going to take my wife and I out at the end as part of it because we knew too much. I have that as well. This is how serious they were. [...] Oh they don't care. Now this is a little bit off topic, but when they talk about a false flag, they don't say "false flag", you know these are trigger words, they'll say "the spread". They talk about an operation and they'll say "what's the spread". When they say the spread they're talking about how many dead civilians, how many dead children at a school. "What's the spread, can you boost it? I don't think this will be enough." This is similar to Florida, "can we boost it". Well they had the cops stand down, didn't they. Anyway. But let's get back on track.

Santa: So Seth Rich was part of the DNC. You didn't know him but you got to know him in 2016. Or you knew of him.

John: I knew of him. Like I said, I never knew him personally. I never met him. But I knew the people around him who were responsible for his death and how it came to be. And why, and I know the motive, I know the method. So we can discuss that. I hinted that as an operation in 2016, from a man I'll call Bones. Bones was a Secret Service computer forensics expert. He was their go-to guy. I mentioned him in the last interview. I've known him for years, and his in-laws many years before that. I knew him well. He was their go-to guy, he runs all their dirty accounts. Anyway I first heard about it from him. Two, three, four times, they were talking about how they'd really screwed up. And what's all the activity about, what's going on, because they're all very excited, very worried. It took three or four times before he could even mention the name Seth Rich. So I'd heard about it not realizing what it was connected to. And turns out I knew someone who was involved in the actual murder, because like I said I worked with these people. And it will get a bit convoluted at the end because there's a couple double-crosses in there, because they're all trying to cover their butts. But it'll make sense. So that's how I'd heard about this. And learned about it. And I did want to mention before I get into the details on it, that I remember being enthralled just how nasty they were. Remember this was in 2015, 2016 election cycle. This is when Rod Rosenstein was closing down the Dirty Tricks Squad basically, where I was at. Keeping everybody under control, moving people around, he was closing down because he'd been guaranteed the Attorney General spot by Hillary Clinton. They thought she'd win. So they didn't want any problems, they didn't wanted to take care of leaks, they were going to close everything down and they got very hyper in 2016 because President Trump became a really serious contender. They were thinking "hey, this is going sideways." And, either they got me under control or taking care of my friend Molly, to convince me. So I'd learned about it previously. And I'd learned from doing the research when they'd told me, that I was able to talk to them more and get more information from them, and then afterwards when things went wrong, when things started going really sour, they actually came back around wanting to know who Bones had talked to, what did you say, because now they were exposed. They wanted to know our exposure and, you know, they were trying to cover up. And this came from the DOJ and the FBI primarily. But I learned in April 2016, March 2016, that there were investigations, private investigations into Seth Rich's murder, yes. And there were several smaller ones, there was one group, that uh, I won't mention the group's name, and they were going back and forth between Baltimore and DC. And the people that I close to, the people I was working with, this investigative group was getting close to some people that did not want to be gotten close to. So there were plans in place to shoot them, kill them when they came back to DC. So I can't just sit here and hear about it in the paper. There's going to be another dead tourist in DC. So I contacted this group. They didn't contact me, I contacted them and warned them. Just used a few things. And they'd actually made it public that these plans were in place, so that stopped certain things, but there was still a threat at that time. And I continued to work with this group. There was some real talent in the group, some people with real awesome experience. And I actually provided like a three-hour video deposition to them about myself, my background, a lot about what was happening in Baltimore, a lot about Rod, and a lot about Seth Rich. Which they were able to provide through a contact who Devin Nunez directed, [...] to his assistant, to the House Intelligence Committee, when he was the head of it. [...] actually went in and played them, like a 15 minute sample and they weren't going to let them leave the building with it. They wanted it right now. They were actually going take them into custody, they were going to do so, and then the contact assured them, no these guys are good, they'll make you a copy, so everything's perfect and uh, no problem. Well what happened was that they did not want to just give them the raw copy. I told them to give them the raw copy. Nunez had clearances like crazy, he could certainly vet me quickly, and you know, it's better. He didn't want to do that. I believe it was people in the group because, they would just contact me anyhow, that's what it was. So he took well over a month to provide a heavily edited redacted copy of this information to Devin Nunez without any of my contact information, there was no visual of the recording, they edited out pieces that they didn't want at the time, to make it more about Seth Rich and less about Rod and other people.

Stroppy: Can I just ask a question? [...] So Devin Nunez never really got enough of that video to be able to tell what's happening, you said?

John: I don't think he got enough to understand it. By now there's new evidence that's come out since then, new proof, but he didn't have enough to contact me. What he got of my background and connection in Baltimore was heavily edited. And just, by that time [???] had lost, and the head of this one group had gotten in a fight with my contacts, and the original investigator had made a huge mess, so by the time they actually said "here's the tape you want", and Devin Nunez had time enough to review it, things had kind of moved on.

Stroppy: So it wasn't enough for Devin Nunez to actually get anything from?

John: Like I said, it was heavily edited, essentially for my safety. But I had agreed, right after the meeting, to give to Nunez. Just tell him who I am! I mean, it's easy enough, he'll find me, it's not like he can't, he's the head of House Intelligence. So just give him the raw stuff and let it go. But they didn't want to do that. They wanted to control it and make news and get donations and do their thing.

Stroppy: They didn't have Rod Rosenstein at this point?

John: Well no, this is a private group that was investigating after Seth Rich.

Santa: Can we back up a little bit? ... I think we want to know, what exactly was downloaded and why was it such a big deal. I mean that's really, so, Seth Rich was downloading some files thinking he was going to go and expose some of the DNC crimes. Or corruption, correct?

John: Yes.

Santa: Can you share with us, if you're able to, what information did he get. And that might give us an understanding as to why this group got involved and Devin Nunez got involved as well.

John: OK. Well the group didn't know about any of that. I was actually the first one to tell them about the thumb drive and how he was killed, what was on it. Now as far as what he did, you're correct, he was a Bernie Sanders supporter, they were fixing it against him, he downloaded stuff, gave it to WikiLeaks, and this is what happened. If you want more detail than that, he was a Bernie Sanders supporter, he worked with the DNC, he noticed that they were doing this. They were rigging it intentionally. Now they were rigging it against him, they were using this computer system, the forerunner to CCIPS. A wide-open intelligence agency, this is what they were using, it was hooked into all their servers as well. So that we got copies of everything they received. But he went in, he did download a great deal, and got it to WikiLeaks I believe. Now I can't say 100% I personally confirm he got it there, I don't know, sorry. But I've had many people confirm it to me but I didn't see it personally. But he got it to WikiLeaks, and WikiLeaks came back because there was stuff on it, he thought he was just downloading the files and things, there was other stuff on there. So they helped him, those guys are good, whoever they are. They helped him, they said they pretty much... there was more than one download. They chewed it to find out not only more to help him, but gave him places to look so that when he went back in it was much more refined. It was looking for certain patterns, not just certain raw data. So he went in and downloaded a huge part, just five or six hundred thousand files, emails, all that stuff. Great. Now he had that, that's what he kept on the thumb drive. He did not keep it on his home computer. And what he had downloaded at that point was a large enough sample to show what they had been doing with this CCIPS. Where they had been manipulating not only the DNC stuff, they were selling information to overseas governments, they were hacking and manipulating judges, you know, everything that I've been talking about, he downloaded basically samples of it. WikiLeaks, after they gave him the first information they had told him how, they didn't tell him what, they told him how to refine the search because they picked up on it. They're good. So when he went in and downloaded it with the new parameters that they had given him, he downloaded some good stuff. Any forensic expert could examine that and say, look at this, there's documents that have been altered, there's illegal wiretaps, there's everything on there.

Stroppy: So ... does that mean that WikiLeaks still has information that they haven't released? Because they haven't released anything to do with CCIPS.

John: Oh I'm sure they do. I mean, they have the original raw data. The big second download, the one he was killed for did not reach them as far as I know, because it was taken. So, they had helped him refine the search, and this is what he got. It was basically enough dirt to bury everybody connected to everything down there. Not only that, it was showing their very early on connections to Russia and their sharing, things like that. But he was able, with this information that he downloaded, to be able to show this Russian collusion stuff that they'd been setting up. Now the Russian collusion on that side actually goes way back, to a program called Ghost Stories, with Robert Mueller in, you know, up north there, Boston, and Rod and thing like this. This was like, ten-plus years. So they never lost their contacts. Had the actual thumb drive that he was carrying gotten out, it would have exposed all this and they never would have been able to start the Russian collusion investigation of Robert Mueller against President Trump. Because it would have shown the lie. This was something they wanted to get. Now I'd been working with this group, and filling them in, and I believe they were earnest. They had some very talented people, well experienced people in this group. Unfortunately, near the top, that was where they don't. [???] myself, but he had never worn a uniform, doesn't have that kind of background, and doesn't know how to properly direct an investigation or be financially responsible for it. So things went sideways, a lot of members of the group left, it was just one try after another nothing happened. I ended up doing a couple of interviews. They had scheduled an interview for me with someone named Jack Berkman, a public figure, and gave him way too much information, Berkman was going to doxx me. I like to point out I've had people accuse me of doing this for money, but Berkman actually offered me a hundred thousand dollars as an advance on the reward for solving Seth Rich's murder. Which I've been told was like six hundred forty thousand. He was offering me a hundred thousand dollars to do that interview. I turned it down, because it wasn't about money. And did the interview. I was later upped to a hundred and forty thousand, again, and I refused it. And later there was and offer of straight thirty thousand in cash, in an envelope, if I would give him the three names of who we're going to talk about later. And I refused it. It wasn't about the money, I was trying to get out and get out safely. Now on those interviews I was looped. You can find it on YouTube. The audio is terrible because he had set it up terribly, he was doxxing... yes.

So there was this group, that I've been talking about, was working recently with apparently another group online who was trying to doxx me, and he had gone and confirmed who I am to these people. Which is not nice: I'm the one who contacted you to save your life. And dangerous. Really dangerous. But they did. Uh, it's unfortunate.

Santa: Well they ... didn't care about your safety. They're all about simply doing this because of money? Because they want the reward money?

John: Well yes, that's part of it. They do a lot of fundraising based on this. There's actually lawsuits because of it. But yeah, there's a lot of money to be had by talking about this. They have some stuff upcoming, they said I was actually preparing a release for everyone about the guy I'd met in Boston, but this came up first, because they were preparing some releases and that would probably doxx me very heavily, and they're obviously not shy about that becasue they just did it.

Santa: Right.

John: So I won't be dealing with them at all.

Santa: My gosh John. They want the information you have. They want the information and the credit, so they can get their money.

John: Yes.

Santa: and that's why they redacted a lot of information, your contact information, your actual name, when they came to Devin Nunez, not really realizing, or did they even care about your safety at that point? Because Devin Nunez, he had said to me he had vetted you for four months. Um, so...

John: That was right after that, yes. Now that would have given him the information, if they gave him the deposition. That was almost three years ago. And after that he was provided my personal information. He later had vetted me. Because once you know where to look, I'm not hard to find. And that was fine, we were all comfortable with it and discussed it. And he was "hey, good for you". But it was just, by that time the political stuff had moved on and the Russian collusion was going, and that had slowed everything down. Because I had included in there a lot of very very negative information about Rod Rosenstein. But back then he was the golden boy, Mr. Integrity, [...] confirmed. Now as a side note I had mentioned before, he was running the forerunner to CCIPS, he was the one that was in charge of all this in Baltimore. [...] That's how he was able to keep his job as the only US prosecutor, a Republican no less, to keep their job under Obama. Obama fired everyone else except him.

Stroppy: So CCIPS gave Rod dirt on everybody.

John: Yes. He had too much dirt to get rid of.

Santa: So, can we go back? Because I kind of want to go through a flow... So Seth Rich digs for files, WikiLeaks tells him go back and search for files, he had this thumb drive and they were unable to get it. So who ordered the murder?

John: OK... They wanted the information. They were able to, [...] because these were well monitored they were able to that he downloaded that much and that specific sort of information set off bells and whistles. They were also already extremely paranoid because they were all dirty. I watched a river of money go through there, dirty money. But they were also very tense because they were watching things slip away daily, you know, with President Trump coming on strong. So everything's very tense. Everything was black and white because that's how they dealt with everything. They knew it had been done. Didn't take them long to track it, and they had actually, prior to his death, they were working with his roommate, I won't say his name, it's pretty easy to find out, and the roommate's keeping tabs on him. Checking computers, checking files, and he was actually the one who told them that he had everything on a thumb drive and that he kept it on him at all times. OK? So they knew what it was and where it was and how he had it because Seth Rich was apparently a very smart young man and knew that if he kept it with him it was better. So he didn't leave it at home where other people had access. So that roomate right after his death actually got a job with the DNC. So, what a coincidence.

Santa: Wha... Wow.

John: Yeah. I think that when he was actually living with him he said that he didn't know where Seth Rich worked. Like two or three days later he ends up working for the same people. Hmm! So, that's how they knew that he had downloaded everything onto a thumb drive and that he was carrying it with him. They did not want to kill him, because one, he's DNC and they didn't any big-time investigation. They didn't want any publicity. They didn't want anybody coming and checking what he worked on. What they really wanted was, they wanted to beat him half to death, send him to the hospital. And then Donna Brazil and the mayor of DC, her friend, would be waiting there to recover his property, because it's got DNC information on it. That's how they managed to get there about five minutes before he did. So, that was the plan. And she was there as the DNC representative. Now it's funny because she didn't actually become the head of the DNC this time until like the 24th? of that month, and this was on the pen, OK. So she wasn't even technically even . [...] laws insurance and stored ahead of it, here's Donna Brazil in there handling the problem for them. That's how she got there. But, here's one of the big twists. Rod... and if I mispronounce it, you know, use a code name, let me see if I can get it right. Rod Rosenstein, just so it's real clear, Rod plays both sides of the street, against everybody. Just like he had gotten into Hillary's servers and was using things against her, giving information to her enemies, he was doing it for them. But he had also been sharing information with Mueller, and with Kayeshesky [?] -- with the Russians. As I mentioned before my one friend Bones, the computer expert was... you know, the Russians had offered Rod money and he refused it. But actually Bones was taking it and running it through Bitcoin. I mentioned that before? But Rod knew that if they recovered that thumb drive and saw what was on it, he was done. That would be him.

Santa: And it was that Russian hoax, predominantly, right?

John: Well no, that was their plan, that was what they wanted to start, but they would see that Rod was playing both sides of the street, that he was altering things, that he was giving up information to their polical enemies, things like this. It's all about Rod, he wants to keep his job. So he knew that was done. Now they dumped it into his lap to handle it because you know, if there was anything embarrassing there it was his problem, they shouldn't really have that kind of access, anyway they dumped it in his lap. It's for him to handle. He's got people in DC. So he gets... I'll call him Rosie, one of his henchmen with a horrible reputation, he was deviated... he's crap, he's killed people before, he has put his own department and own people in jeopardy. He's had an investigation with 15 agents, where there's no complaints against any of the 15 except for him, and a lot of the complaints go to moderation. He's been moved all around and that's how Rod got a hold of him to do his dirty work. He got two agents shot in LA because of things he had done. I have all that documented as well. But he's a piece of crap. Anyway Rod goes to Rosie, enlists him himself, and wants him to handle it. So he gets his little gofer, he referred to him as a hit man, he kinda is but not in this instance. But anyway he gets his gofer, his hangaround, the one he'd do all the dirty work with, to go with him. So Rosie, who is a gang expert, he specializes in MS-13 for the DEA, sound familiar? He gets two gang members, actually one gang member and a prospect from East Gurwitch [?] South Carolina. So he gets them. He had already dealt with them in whatever fashion he knew them. They're going to come up. The plan from Hillary, from Donna Brazil, from Comey at this particular point was to beat the ever-living crap out of him, if he's in a coma that's fine but don't kill him. The worse he is the better chance they have of recovering the stuff right at the hospital, and then they leave. But Rod knows that if they get that thumb drive, he's toast. So, they have a different plan. He gets Rosie and his little hit man buddy with these two, and they're going to kill him. Because then... no, Rod thinks this is funny, because Podesta and Hillary had said like about a month before this that they would make an example out of any leader. And that's a motive, in a lawyer's mind, that's where any investigation would lead. And a lot of people did go there. So remember, Rod's a lawyer. He's not stupid. He's an idiot, but he's not stupid. So he's looking at it as a possible case, and that's motive. That's how it would look. He wants that thumb drive. But the plan is, kick the crap out of him, send him to the hospital, rob him, make it look like a robbery because they're doing many of them including recently, and he knew it. Recover to the hospital. But he was going to step in, he was going to actually have Rosie and his buddy get these two guys to kill him, recover the thumb drive. Then they were supposed to give it... if they got it then, fine, if it was at the hospital fine, it was still going to the same person. But they were going to kill him. And switch the thumb drive, with some generic crap he downloaded. So that's an important point, as you'll see in a minute. So anyway, Rosie get these two people, these two gang members, the ones that would kill him in South Carolina, you can find them, it's not hard. They show up at a parking lot outside DC. They don't know the area, they're not from here. Rosie and his buddy, because he didn't want to be alone with them, are their escort. They're supposed to escort their car through the city so there's no problem, they don't get lost, and wait for Seth Rich. Now, when they get to the parking lot, here comes some stuff nobody ever heard, when they get to the parking lot, he's upset because these guys showed up in what I was told was a very loud vehicle. I took it to mean a hot rod or something but I don't know what it was, but they said it would stick out in the neighborhood like a sore thumb. Then Rosie, he's DEA remember, gets upset because he runs the tags and the tags are stolen. So he can't believe how stupid these idiots are. Apparently they borrowed whatever car they were in, and to save their friend they stole a pair of tags on the way up. So he runs the tags. So keep that in mind, he did an official inquiry on a pair of tags sitting outside DC, on a pair of South Carolina tags that night. And that's all logged, there's one way to prove it. So they can't drive whatever they were in into the city. So they have to get in the back of his government SUV. So he takes them in. He doesn't like this already, whatever... So they're sitting in Seth Rich's neighborhood, a long time, all night. And the guys in the back are asleep. Now, um, he told them what they were supposed to do. They didn't want him dead. One guy's a gange member, the other guy, it was going to be his initiation. He was going to be given credit for this, and be allowed to join the gang fully, which is why he'd volunteered to do it. So they're waiting, they're waiting, here comes the early morning. And they wake the guys up, they get a word from someone, there was another person, I don't know who gave them the heads up, I don't know. But they knew he was coming. They're in the SUV, they wake the guys up, they're barely awake, they're startled, they were probably high at the time, that's what it sounded like. He gives them the gun, OK. Now the gun was given to him by the Shocker. Another nickname, obviously. The Shocker is ATF, alright? Now he took a gun out of ATF that was due to be scrapped. That particular firearm was used in a robbery, in another state, I know which case it was, so we can prove it. Either that or I'm really psychic. It was this specific. It was a late 70s or early 80s Smith and Wesson 22-32 tick gun, a six-shot 22 long rifle. This one was a little bit rare, it was in nickel. They wanted something shiny to wave in his face and scare him, so he wouldn't fight back. That was the original plan. But they also purchased a box of ammunition out of Walmart, 22. So there's a record there you can check. And gave it to these guys. And these guys are fresh awake, there he is, go, they run up behind him. And apparently these guys were smaller, physically. So Seth fought back. He wasn't a wimp. Two armed guys, and he's fighting, he knows his life is on the line, so they shot him in the side, on the right side of the ribs. And he goes to the left, lands on the left, he tries to scrabble away, get away, and they shot him again, I don't know where they shot him the second time. But because it was a small caliber handgun, he didn't die. And these two are all juiced up on adrenaline, and now drive now drive flash flash, get all the stuff. And these two idiots, Rosie and his partner, they're in the SUV just down the street. And they're panicking because now they've shot him, everybody's waking up, and they're kicking him, they're looking for him, and he's alive, he's moving. And they're yelling so loud that everybody could hear, they could hear it in the truck. [...] So they could hear it, they had to get out of there. So they get the thumb drive, they run back. Now he's alive, he heard everything they said, he can describe them, he saw them run, he saw them run to probably an SUV, things were lightening up and there were street lights. They were very very scared at that point because he could identify them. If the points show up, he gets to the hospital, he can talk. He'll say they were looking for a flash drive. How did they know he had a flash drive? It would unravel everything. But they got it.

Stroppy: They got it before he got to the hospital.

John: Yeah they took it right then. That's what they were there for, but they were supposed to rob him and then shoot him, after they got everything. He fought back and they shot him first so they only had time to get the flash drive and get out of there, that's why nothing was taken.

Stroppy: Wow, it's amazing they had it and where it's stored on him.

John: Well, you can't have too many pockets, I guess. They found it pretty quick, and run back to the truck.

Stroppy: But they missed everything else, John, that seems like the odd part of the story. They didn't take his wallet, they found it right away ...

John: That's all they took. At that time, time was short, they'd already fired. They were supposed to rob him completely, take everything, and then shoot him. That's the plan they came up with through Rod and Rosie.

Stroppy: But he was still alive. And they knew at that time, they didn't finish him off.

John: No, they knew he was alive. He was moving, as far as I was told. So they run back to the truck and they get out of Dodge. They take off. Now of course the police show up later, he goes to the hospital, and at that point nobody had known, of course they didn't know the plans had been changed by Rod, so a lawyer, they were waiting there for him to come in and "oh, it's terrible" and the DC mayor "oh, this terrible city" and they didn't know until it happened and of course they clammed up.

Stroppy: They were there thinking they were going to get the thumb drive.

John: Right. They were there, "oh, we got a call, one of our people was assaulted, we're just here to get property" and he shows up, he'd bloody and half-dead, he'd been shot, and they're trying to figure out what happened, are we exposed, what do I do. So they clammed up, left him there, and changed the name of the hospital or something. But the plan went completely the other way and they didn't know what to do at that time. And everything started unraveling quickly. They switched the thumb drive from the one that they actually took from him to the one that Rod had provided, that was downloaded by someone else actually, because Rod's not really a computer guy.

Santa: Yeah, so how... they switched the thumb drive? Rod gave them...? They got the thumb drive from Seth Rich, and switched it out for one that Rod Rosenstein gave them?

John: Yes, that was copied by someone else. So the original one that he had was the one that WikiLeaks had told him how to get information. That would have exposed Rod and everything he'd been doing. So they couldn't deliver that one to the company. The plan was to get it at the robbery, and if that didn't work they had a backup plan to get it at the hospital, it was going to go to the same company. So about four hours later, they said they'd switched it. Now Rod was safe at this point.

Stroppy: I think this is a very important point. Did Rod give the MS-13 gang members the other drive to put back into Seth Rich's pocket, did he do that? They switched it, that's very important to know. When Donna Brazil and the others turn up at the hospital, they're expecting to get his thumb drive, yes they got a thumb drive but it's the wrong one.

John: No, it was supposed to be recovered either at the robbery... see Donna Brazil and the rest of them believed there was just going to be a robbery, not a murder. And it would either be recovered right then, and given to the company, or they would get it at the hospital, depending on how it went. They were the backup plan. Because they were public figures, everybody knows them, they were just there as a backup plan. And if they recovered it on-scene, from a beating, it was possible they were going to question him, like "what were they after? Did they take anything? Was there anything else?" They wanted to get more information as well. So when he shows up shot and half-dead and going into emergency surgery, that went sideways. They knew there was a problem. They were a backup plan, because they are public.

Stroppy: At that time there was an emergency doctor that had came out, that said he was alive when he went into the emergency room doctors, and then he died...

John: Well... I don't know what positions they are, but I the reputation of one female surgeon, she's extremely gifted. She's worked on some dignitarties, just a wonderfully gifted surgeon. I don't know her at all, I can't really speak to that. That was the initial one, and then he did switch I believe, I don't know. And died at the hospital.

Stroppy: I need to ask you a couple of questions at this stage... what we're hearing here is that was a difference between Rod Rosenstein had planned and what some of the others, Hillary and Podesta had in mind, or said. The story's quite clear now, but what I'd like to know and what I think everyone listening would like to know is, do you have anything that can prove what you're saying?

John: Yes. I was getting to that... it's coming. The information about Rosie checking the tag in the parking lot. That and the specific information about the firearm and how it was obtained, and what happened afterwards, these are new. This had not been discussed anywhere, not in any interview previously. There's going to be some information coming after this, I'll tell you which parts are new. This one group I had mentioned earlier, I knew they were asking some strange, directive, very probative questions recently, because I was in contact with one of them. And he kept trying to move me back to this, so I told him part of this, about the Park-and-ride, and another part, but I told him a completely different origin of where it came from, where was verified from, because I wanted to see what they would do with it. They did exactly what I expected, they'd run right back to that one guy at the top, who I hadn't talked to in years, and who kept trying to doxx me. So they're going to listen, and if they think they're going to take that information and try to contact who they think they're going to contact, it's going to be a problem. So I'd suggest you don't. But anyway...

Santa: So, OK, I'm just going to say this really quick before you move on. So you know all these players, or of all these players... this is the solution, everybody who wants to know who killed Seth Rich, there it is... And you know who the real names are, behind these nicknames, right?

John: Yeah, unfortunately I work with a lot of them.

Santa: Wow... you have solved the case. In this interview.

John: Yeah, about three years ago, and tried... now there's new information, but if they'd listened before, if someone hadn't tried to control it for their own gain, it could've went... I had turned down the reward, I turned down a hundred and some thousand dollars, because I was trying to get it out and to keep people safe. And they turned around and do this to me.

Stroppy: And that offer was coming from that private investigation, right?

John: Well, even WikiLeaks has come out and put up a reward. The hundred thousand was an advance on the reward, that's how convinced some people were that I'd solved it, I mean everything checked out. The hundred thousand was an advance from Jack Berknam [?] who was wealthy, and was doing his best.

John: Anyway, back to the thumb drive. Now, they'd shot him, they left him for dead although he's in the hospital, they've taken off so now they have the thumb drive in their hand, and at the hospital they have the one that everybody thinks they want. The one that Rod gave them. That one, about four hours later, was delivered to a computer company. To a specific person at that computer company that I'll call Candy, although he's not sweet at all. This computer company has been illegally used quite a bit lately.

Santa: The thumb drive that this computer company got, was the one that was Rod Rosenstein's thumb drive?

John: It was the dummy. They wanted the thumb drive recovered, and given to this person at this company, so they could get into it and find out exactly how exposed they were. They wanted to know what WikiLeaks could have, and just what he'd got his hands on. But the one that they got instead told them that they were safe. That it wasn't anything serious, it wasn't much, it's just random stuff. So then, this particular company felt safe moving forward. So it signaled them that, hey, we're good, they don't know anything, there's nothing on here. So because of that information this company then produced a letter for the FBI that allowed them to pursue, even though they didn't have a single . [???], that allowed them to pursue the Russian collusion hoax against the president. At that point they thought they were safe. If the actual thumb drive had gotten out, then not only would Rod probably have been a dead man, but they could not have done the Russian collusion thing. Because it would have shown that they'd been planning it for quite a while. So there's a pretty good motive. Now remember at this time Rod wanted Hillary to win, even though he's taken a [???], but at this point he was doing everything for her against Trump because he was promised the AG position, which was all he wanted. So this unnamed company got the thumb drive and proceeded, they signalled everyone that hey, we're safe and at this particular point McCabe gets involved again with Comey and they start covering up the death, that's why the FBI is investigating it because if they keep it an open investigation then nobody can ever talk about it, anything. They know exactly what it is. And they keep it an open investigation, took his computers, they went into his apartment and took everything they could get their hands on because they thought they were safe, just take it and never answer any questions. And they can pursue it against President Trump with the Russian collusion.

John: So, this is a fun one. Rod wanted the original thumb drive opened up. He wanted to know exactly what was on it. So Rosie delivers it to my friend Bones, which wasn't easy at that point, because Bones wasn't really as accessible as he used to be, because Rod started shutting everything down. Bones, with the equipment he had at that particular point, couldn't get through the encryption. He could only get parts, because there were different parts that were downloaded at different times. He could only get so he knew what it was, here's the fun part everybody, Bones kept it. And transferred it to somebody, and I know where it is, the original one that they took off of him on that night. And it's retrievable.

Stroppy: Can I ask at this point, does the name Kim Dotcom come into this conversation at all?

John: I had heard, uh, Mr Kim's name and I know who he is, I don't know anything about him. He was in contact quite a bit with the original group I had mentioned, that's how I had learned of him.

Stroppy: He claims that he delivered from Seth Rich to WikiLeaks, as best as I know.

John: I've heard that. I can't confirm it either way. I just don't know. Like I said, I don't know a ton about the WikiLeaks side other than they came back, I don't know exactly how it got to them but I know they came back, he was given specific parameters to search with. That's the part I can confirm but I don't know how it got there. So as for Mr Kim I do not know, I just can't say one way or another.

Santa: That's a good point Stroppy, thank you. But let's go back to Bones. So he's like this computer whiz, isn't he this expert in computers and knows how to manipulate Bitcoin and... he couldn't get in.

John: Well, with the equipment he had at the time. He was limited right then. Had he had access to CCIPS, he could have cracked our code but he was already removed from there, because they were shutting down the key. He is extremely gifted in computers. He is a smaller man, but he is hyper-violent, he's got a nasty streak, but he is extremely gifted in that way. We had hit it off because we had mutual acquaintences beyond and he could explain things. He was not only the top Secret Service forensic expert in computers, but he was so good that he was on loan to the CIA, the NSA, he had clearances to walk into the White House, into Air Force One whenever, they would just call him like a plumber, he would show up because he had those clearances. And everywhere he went, he would steal information and plant stuff. So that's the CIA, NSA, White House. He used to send texts about what Obama was doing on the Blackberry, while he was at the White House. He actually got in trouble for that one. So anyway, it's just we were gifted individuals in that area, with a common science background and math background, we could communicate. And I say he was truly arrogant, they would task him with different things, you know, get into someone's computer, manipulate this, download this child porn, things like this, and he would do it, and they just never appreciated his work, which he needed. And then they would come back in a couple of weeks like "could you fix my cable", like he's some tech nerd. So that really irritated him. He absolutely hated Obama, and he's no friend of any Democrat. He's a huge Republican. But...

Stroppy: You said that Bones took the original thumb drive. Do you know where is it?

John: Yes. [chuckles] Yes, and it's retrievable. It can be gotten at. That's the one they got off of him that night, and no one's ever heard that except for tonight. That puts a big fat target on my back.

Stroppy: We don't want to put a big fat target on your back, but we do want to see that thumb drive... or for somebody who's a white hat to see it.

John: Yes, that would be good. So, um, we're back to that night. They delivered the dummy thumb drive to this company, and they came back saying we're green-lined, we're good, so the FBI with Hillary and Comey and McCabe at that point had stepped in. Donna Brazil is of course there, and she can't keep her mouth shut talking about Seth Rich but these are the ones covering up, Comey. So since they'd recovered the thumb drive Comey gives Hillary a pass on the investigation into her emails and her servers, because they're not exposed, they can cover it up. They already killed somebody for it so there's no exposure. So he gives her the pass, tell her McCabe can cover it up, they take over the investigation into Seth Rich, keep it quiet, it's an open investigation to this day so nobody can ask questions... So now Bones had gotten the thumb drive, had seen some of the stuff on it. Bones is all about the money, he knows it's valuable. So he sent it to someone, I know where it's at. I'll just leave it at that, far enough there. So then everything's going bad. Hillary, Comey, Donna Brazil, they're panicking because things went bad. They don't know that Rod changed things. Everything went bad. They want to distance themselves now. But, he got to the hospital alive. They don't know. As in Rosie, his partner, Rod, they don't know what he's saying. How alive is he at the hospital? Can he talk? Is he telling them "I saw a government SUV"? Who are these two guys, can he identify the tatoos on one of them? Can he repeat, why were they yelling "flash drive, flash drive", who did they touch, why were they following him, why would they know that. They didn't want him to talk. So Rosie, here's the next part that nobody knows, Rosie contacts in some fashion those two guys down there, down South. He takes off the next day. We're gonna be making these people involved really nervous the next few minutes. So, he takes off the next day, borrows his wife's car, because you can track the government SUVs. Borrows his wife's car, drives south to meet them. Where he kills them. He's the one killing them in the parking lot, OK? Driving South...

Santa: He kills...

John: The two MS-13 gang members. In the parking lot. Now he drove there, he took off the next day, his wife took off the next day. He left his truck at the house, his SUV, took her car. Now, going through the last toll in Virginia, on 95 South, her car had an EZ-Pass on it, to pay the tolls up in Baltimore. That toll booth registered her car going through there although it didn't pay it, because its coverage was limited to up North. It registered that her car was going through there at that time. And took a picture! Now, nobody's ever heard that before. He came back a different way apparently, because nothing registered coming back. He goes down, shoots them, comes back. So now they're all panicking, trying to keep things quiet. So, now, uh, that's already been verified. The picture exists but it is stored. So, uh, that's already been checked. So there he is, driving there. Let's see what his excuse is for that. So he comes back, I don't know how he came back, it didn't register again. Now it's in cleanup mode like I said, McCabe, Comey and all those, they took over the investigation, took the computers out of his apartment, for a botched robbery, you know. They go into somebody's apartment for that. It's very weird. So they're in cleanup mode now, and I mean there's a lot of stuff around it, a lot of stuff was happening beyond that. The company wrote a report on Trump and Russia's connection, which nobody even read. The same company, now that they know they're in the clear. Remember, they were paid very well right after Seth Rich's murder. They were also paid well right after someone else's murder, but we won't speculate. So a lot of things are happenig at this point. Here's a little tidbit that's interesting. I started giving information a while back, when this was coming out, this was roughly a year ago. A year and four months ago, something like that. I was trying to get it out, doing interviews, things like this. It was becoming news again. So Rod indicts twelve Russian military officers for hacking emails. People that would never show up in court, people who would never be back in the country, [...] just giving you a little fact. It must be nice to be able to place your own alibi in the court record and convict them of it so nobody will ever look at you when it happens.

Santa: Those are, we call those the ham sandwiches. The nothingburgers.

John: It was him setting up his alibi.

Santa: In 2018 you are... that's what Rod... well that's what Bob Mueller did, right?

John: Yeah. That was part of the Russian investigation. The whole Russian investigation was fake, and it was to stall, it was also to affect the election, that's why stuff came out right before that, but then it was them destroying the evidence and covering their butt for everything that came before that.

John: So since I'm pretty much explaining everything now, I can provide the actual case where the firearm was taken from, because it was taken by an ATF agent and returned, so... and I know where the thumb drive is. Now I can provide a picture of him going South in his wife's car. So these are new pieces no one's ever heard, I didn't share any of it with the other people, [...] someone new. And it's never getting to them because look what they just did to me.

Stroppy: Who is interested in solving Seth Rich's murder these days? Do you know who is interested in this information? I mean, it's interesting to people that are listening today, but in terms of, you know, solving the mystery, getting the information out to the public, which is what we're trying to do, about what happened. Who can you get this information to that will allow it the publicity?

Well, the DC police department, Washington DC, was involved in his murder. The four officers that showed up that night. But they're controlled. I mean, look who's at the hospital. The mayor of DC, their biggest boss, and Donna Brazil. These guys are beat cops, they're patrol officers, and all of a sudden their body cams are done. You know, for no fault of their own they got stuck with this. I mean they're responding to some guy getting shot, and they've done it a hundred times before I'm sure, unfortunately. And they're just cops, they're doing their job. But there's a group that's investigating, and they intend to just rake those guys over the coals in depositions, trying to break something they can use to solve this. These are the lowest guys on the rung here, they're just told what to do. It's just their job.

Stroppy: But that's my point, John. Who other than the alternative community I guess, is interested in seeing this case solved now? Because you've got information that could solve it. But I don't see anyone who's interested in, um, wanting to solve it. Because once this comes out, the whole shebang is up for grabs, because we're just talking about it now leading to the Russian investigation, and that will throw a lot more light on it. [...] I can't see anyone interested in solving the issue.

John: Well, I always say I have problem going to the DOJ or the FBI at all. Which, you know, is no surprise. I mean, there are good people there. It's just, finding them is near impossible. Or getting in contact with them when you do.

Stroppy: And the good ones are being controlled, aren't they? I mean, they're not going to get anything out. Because there are still people in there that are controlling what comes out.

John: Absolutely. The coup against President Trump is continuing. It hasn't stopped, it's just gone underground.

Stroppy: Let's be honest, it won't stop. They're going to do whatever they can. And we know this is the case, that's why I'm saying that we'd like to see some of these I'm sure. I mean it falls into the same category as 9-11. If you want to get people's attention, you're going to get out the truth about 9-11, but because the truth is not allowed to come out you can't... we're living in hope about it. We're living in hope that the Seth Rich murder will be solved, but because of the fact that Rod Rosenstein was a big part of the process... I'm sorry about sounding a little negative. I want to make a difference here, I want to see this thing proceed but I've been sitting here listening to the story and thinking how can we get this out. We've got to have the data. So you've got the original thumb drive, but all that's going to tell us as best as I can tell at this point is that Seth Rich got a lot more than he bargained on getting, and it's again going to point a finger at people like Rod Rosenstein who've been playing both sides of the fence. And then who's interested in actually exposing that? At the moment we see AG Barr's not doing anything. Devin Nunez is all talk. Lindsey Graham's all talk. Nothing's happening. Nothing is happening on the real front, where this information would be useful in helping people understand the real problem.

Santa: This is why we wanted to do this broadcast too, Stroppy. You bring up a very valid point. Since John's last interview to now he's gained on Twitter a significant amount of followers. These aren't people who just follow him, they're his army. And now, if we make enough noise, someone's going to listen. I sent a letter out to President Trump yesterday with all John's stories. All the information that I'm able to share. I don't know what it is with President Trump but he always was very kind to me. So I'm hoping that he will get this. I plan on sending him this link as soon as we're done, as soon as I publish it. Because this all is a setup for that Russian hoax, that scandal investigation.

Stroppy: This is the prelude to the Russian hoax investigation, the Robert Mueller fiasco. That's why it's so important.

Santa: It's extremely important. And John, I don't know if you expected the kind of response you've gotten but I'm overwhelmed. I still read John's comments of the first interview, the only other interview he gave, and people all over the world are fighting and backing John. We literally have now, we can call it John's army. From what I understand there are shirts that are being ordered and Santa caps that are being made, that say "John's Army". We're fighting so that we can get this to the right people. And there's an acting DNI Mr. Macguire, maybe we can get it to him. I'm not afraid to make those kinds of contacts and get that out there. The people that are listening, from that group... unfortunately, if that group is listening right now... John has the case. John's got information, he has evidence. This is the case. But the other people, the Donna Brazils, the Rod Rosensteins, they will have to eventually serve their justice. I'm on fire. My life has changed ever since John's interview. So back to you, your point though Stroppy, and I'm kind of rambling. I want to do something about it but I also know John's army wants to do something about it. And that includes your viewers, it seems like they're very passionate to help John.

Stroppy: Yes I think they are, in general I think they are. And that's why it's very important that this information get out. But as I said, I think we need it in a concise manner, at this stage, because let's be honest, there's so much news out there that people are having trouble keeping up with what's actually happening. And this is a new development, I think that we have to present it in a manner that people can understand and the importance of what's being said because it's easy to listen to John tell his story, he's got a lot of information, that's why I'm excited about this. But it's the way this information gets out, that's what will make or break this...

John: That's one reason we're trying to get an attorney. Because a lot of this information is sensitive, a lot of it's classified, a lot of it was obtained from him illegally wiretapping, things like this. I don't want to just hand it over and they can charge me with something. I don't want to give them any ammo they can use against me. I mentioned the offers I'd for money prior, because people have told me I'm doing this for money. I'm not. There's a very kind lady who started a GoFundMe. I did not ask her, she did it out of the kindness of her heart and people were kind enough to contribute. And it's a small amount, it's for legal fees and I never asked for it. And people are like "Oh, you're a LARP, you're doing this." I was like "no, I've been trying this for years". I've been leaking information out for years to help people, and even to our own detriment. But we need a buffer between us and the courts because [???] legit! And even if you find somebody that's legit there's somebody above them that might not be. I've seen too many of them and how they're controlled. It's like, if I went in front of a judge, the first thing want I'd do is check my list to see who's manipulating them. Like, "I've got your number, buddy".

Stroppy: I think we work on the basis they're all manipulated, don't we John?

John: Well, in some fashion, I'm sure. I know about ones that would dirty themselves, and it was discovered, or a family member was manipulated, which I find extremely distasteful. Through no fault of their own, this type of thing. They shouldn't be blamed for someone else's sins, but that's what they're doing, they're controlling them. It's all about power and control for them. Any of the people that I've named, the public figures are more than welcome to sue me, because I have one word for them, "discovery". You might want to think twice if you're going to do that. Not only do I know where to look, I know what to get on discovery, I might have my own copy of it already. So, yeah.

Stroppy: I know this interview is going on perhaps a little bit long now, we don't know what their attention span is like... but I'm going to ask you John just to finish up here. Because a lot of people are asking me "have you got anything other than what John's talking about now". For example, people have suggested that you are in fact John McAffee. Have you heard that one?

John: Uhh... does he have any money? Because I could be him for a few weeks, that could be fun...

Stroppy: I just wanted to give you the opportunity to clarify, that you aren't Q for example. Since you've come on board since Q's arrived.

Uh, no, like I said I don't follow Q, I can spell it but I can't follow it. Even with my science background, there's stuff that Q says, I'm like "what is this?" ... I've been told that some of this stuff coincides with Q stuff, but I really don't follow it.

Stroppy: Good, no that's good because if anyone hears... I started off on this conversation earlier, I think even before we went on air, saying there's a lot of people who've tried to provide intel. They've come and they've gone, because the problem is that we can't gather enough attention to them, and we want your story to come out. That's why we're here today. And this is very important, what you've got to tell us about Seth Rich. A lot of it's already on the grapevine out there but no one can prove it one way or the other. It would be great if you could prove it, what you've just told us. Because that's very important, to the history of where we're at today.

John: This was exactly for this. We're hoping to either retain an attorney or get some type of official investigation that can offer protection, before idiots like Rosie and stuff find me. So this was a calculated risk to get it out there.

Stroppy: One final question, John, and I'm sorry. You were working on three depositions. Where are you at with those?

John: Two have been handed in. One I'm still working on, it's a revision that they asked for, just a clarification of certain points.

Stroppy: Do you have attorneys on those depositions?

John: I don't. I am a witness or a party, but I don't have an actual attorney representing me. I was helping these people. These are cases against... well one was against the DOJ and the FBI, a long running case but they could not provide specifics that they needed. I could. So I did. But they're not my attorneys. I showed them. I was actually, because of cases I'd worked in the past, terrorist stuff, in 2016 I was actually offered with my wife full witness protection. New identity and everything, through the US Marshalls. Because it had started crossing over it. And at the federal level you have to petition the DOJ for it. And that went right to Rod and he quashed it. I wonder why. That was through Baltimore and so, um...

Santa: He has a very long history. So John needs protection. I know that you were vetted by Devin Nunez, and Devin Nunez approved protection for you, and then that group destroyed that. And then you were also offered protection and then Rod Rosenstein quashed that.

John: Well, I might as well put it out there that I've kicked it at them, about five or six months ago prior to being hired by General Flynn, Sidney Powell vetted me as well. I sent her about five hundred pages of stuff. She was probably impressed but clearly knew what was going on because as a former prosecutor she could see it. She looked the most and she said this lawyer was in on it. The one representing dude he was obviously in on it. Because there's no way they would allow this now! So it was actually Sidney Powell that had vetted me once as well, she was kind enough to do that. And right after that she was hired by General Flynn. So she's busy.

Santa: And this is why we need to get the word out. We really need... I'm trying everything on my end here. You've been great, Stroppy, at sharing these stories because it's hitting Australia and then coming right back over here to America, and every country in between.

Stroppy: I've got a very large American audience too.

Santa: ...and they're great, they're very loyal. Thank you very much, all of Stroppy's fans, for making this happen. This is a huge story, because what has happened is that, this is a case that Sean Hannity has tried to resolve, Tom Bitten would probably want to know about. So if we can get this story out to those individuals that can help John get this done, help get the investigation opened. Certainly if President Trump is listening to this, John's doing this all because he loves his country and loves you. So, to protect you. John still needs our prayers, and still needs protection. All we ask is that we just keep fighting for him. I don't know where else to go, I think I'm still in a little bit of shock from the story...

John: There's a lot of little pieces of course, like for instance towards the end Rosie got very nervous, DEA guy. He moved out of the city and got a quickie divorce, because he thought he was going to jail. Put everything in her name, and hid at the house even though they were divorced. But the shocker was that they didn't actually get him or the ATF guy. He though he was going to jail. So they're guilty as crazy. Rosie's got a serious drinking problem because of it. So there's stuff like that. And his buddy the hit man, we call him the hit man because he's in jail right now. He's got 20 years for another attempted murder. So it's not like they're sparkling agents and stuff, that guy's sitting in jail right now because he tried to kill somebody else.

Santa: ... and Bones is... uh...

John: Bones is incarcerated. Until 2022.

Santa: and what about Candy? What's going on with Candy?

John: Candy is getting rich, he is running the company that I won't name but it's very popular right now. He's an arrogant turd. He always hated Bones because Bones was so much better at the job than he was. He's completely dirty, he's Mueller's little toady indeed, and always has been.

Santa: And we know where Rod is, he's in a hotel hiding right now, yeah? I guess, from what I'm hearing. But you know where the original flash drive is.

John: Yeah.

Santa: OK, there's the case. Anybody listening to this, here is the case. John has solved it. And you would provide it to the right authorities...

John: Oh, certainly. I'd love to see some protection, but let's go right to the very meat of this thing, this man is dead and his family has lost someone. A little resolution for them, you know. This is horrible, people just irritating them right and left, I mean they've lost a son. So, I've always had that in the back of my mind that if I could help them to know he wasn't a traitor, he wasn't revealing secrets. He was trying to help, he was doing the right thing. He is on the good side, exposing crimes.

Stroppy: Like you, John, isn't he?

Santa: Exactly. Took the words out of my mouth, Stroppy. A hero.

John: You don't have to, I mean, his politics were different. He was a big-time Democrat Bernie supporter. Doesn't mean he wasn't a patriot, doesn't mean he didn't like the country. He just thought that he would go a different direction. He wasn't trying to destroy the country, he was trying to help... I hope his parents hear that.

Santa: OK. This is huge. Thank you John, very very much. We really do thank you, Stroppy, for...

Stroppy: No, I thank you first...

John: You're been really very kind to help get everything out. Never asked for a thing, and that's why I wondered if it was possible to do this. You've been very [???] with everybody, and just repeated it and didn't spin it, just told it the way it was. Which I appreciate.

Santa: Thank you so much. I'm going to stop the recording. Does anybody have anything else to say?

John: Thank you for all your prayers and helping my learn. It means a great deal to me.

Santa: Thank you. I'm doing it for the truth, and I actually love what I do now. I'm going to stop this recording and we can talk off line. God bless everybody, please be safe. Keep praying for John and for his wife and loved ones, for their protection.

John: Thank you very much.